Building strong communities is hard work and one of the most important things we do. We're dedicated to helping our communities be more vibrant places to live, work, and play, and hope to earn their support by being involved and concerned corporate citizens.

Our community involvement draws on the unique talents of our employees as well as the resources of our business. Through community giving, in-kind donations, partnerships and volunteering, we demonstrate our commitment to programs that address community-specific needs.

As a company, we work with a number of community-based partners throughout our service areas to positively impact the overall quality of life where our employees and neighbors live and work. It takes more than a one-time grant or volunteer effort to make a lasting difference, so we seek out and support organizations that understand how to best meet the needs of the community.

Click here to view our 2023 Community Impact Report.

"We Keep Water Flowing" Girl Scout Patch Program

Girl Scout Badge MEMEs - NJ2.pngWe celebrated Imagine a Day Without Water on October 19 by announcing our partnership with the Girl Scouts of Central & Southern New Jersey (GSCSNJ) and launched the “We Keep Water Flowing” patch program.

A patch program is a series of activities designed for Girl Scouts to learn about a particular subject and, once complete, participants earn a patch to display on their uniforms. The two organizations collaborated to develop this new patch program focused on protecting drinking water sources.

This is the first Girl Scout patch dedicated to source water protection in New Jersey. To earn the patch, Girl Scouts must complete a series of research and activities. All activities are education and age appropriate. Girls in grades K-12, who are enrolled in a Girl Scout program, are eligible to participate. Learn more here

Environmental Grant Program

Each year, New Jersey American Water offers grants of $1,000 to $10,000 for community-based projects that improve, restore and protect our source water and surrounding watersheds. Learn more about our Environmental Grant Program.

Volunteer Firefighter and Emergency Responder Grant Program

New Jersey American Water is proud to partner with the men and women who volunteer for and support our local firefighters and emergency responders. Thank you for your hard work, dedication and invaluable service to provide fire protection and emergency medical services to our communities. To show our appreciation, New Jersey American Water created the Volunteer Firefighter and Emergency Responder grant program to benefit local fire departments and emergency medical services. Grants of up to $2,000 are provided to fire and emergency organizations within our service area to assist them with purchasing emergency equipment and training materials. Apply Online Here


Protect Our Watersheds Art Contest

The contest is open to fourth-grade students in schools served by New Jersey American Water, as well as to students who live in the company’s service area. We encourage students to tap into their creativity to express the importance of protecting natural water resources through art. For more information, click here

Speaker Requests

We are also frequently asked to speak at conferences, industry events, organizations and schools. If you are interested in tapping into our water industry expertise for your event or conference, complete this form or contact

Community Donations

We offer general charitable contributions for community events, activities and organizations that focus on water and the environment, water and healthy living, environmental education, and community sustainability. Click here for more information.