Odd-numbered addresses
Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday
Even-numbered addresses
Wednesday, Friday & Sunday
No watering on Monday
Watering is limited to three days a week
• To avoid evaporation, please water outdoors before 9 a.m. or after 8:00 p.m.
• Watering is limited to a total of 15 minutes per station per allowed day
• Low-flow irrigation systems (Including drip irrigation and microspray) that emits less than two gallons per hour are exempt from day of week and time limitations.
We’re here to help
FREE Water Wise Surveys are available. California American Water provides free water use consultations for our residential and non-residential customers. For residential customers, a conservation specialist will visit your home, identify ways to help you save water, and even provide free low flow fixtures for your kitchen and bathroom. For non-residential customers, a conservation specialist will calculate an individualized water budget and provide water saving recommendations.
Please call your Conservation Specialist at (916) 568-4201 to schedule your in home survey.